Recommendations to approve the vehicular technical review
The vehicle technical review is a punctual review of certain attributes, parts or areas of the vehicle in order to protect citizens, drivers and the environment from possible failures that may …
The vehicle technical review is a punctual review of certain attributes, parts or areas of the vehicle in order to protect citizens, drivers and the environment from possible failures that may have vehicles in circulation and keep in good condition vehicles circulating in the country, but is not a comprehensive review or show the true state of your vehicle.
What does the technical vehicle inspection consist of?
It consists of a punctual inspection of the mechanical, physical and documentary part of the vehicle.
When should you perform a technical vehicle inspection?
The first technical revision must be carried out once your vehicle is 3 years old (since it is registered and put into circulation according to the running-in plate) and according to the Exigibility Schedule of the Operational Certificate – D.S. N° 001 – 2008 – MTC which is based on the last digit of the running-in plate.
So if you want to purchase a used vehicle with 3 or more years, you must ask the owner the certificate to prove that you have already approved it or validate when you would touch it to make it yourself.
What documents must be presented to approve the technical vehicular review?
You must present:
The current or updated Vehicle Ownership Card or Vehicle Identification Card.
The current Compulsory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT) Certificate.
The permission of polarized glasses in case it had them.
The previous Vehicle Technical Inspection Certificate (Not applicable for vehicles that will perform their first Technical Inspection).
Note: Vehicles authorized for ground transportation service must present the vehicle authorization certificate or special circulation permits in the case of special vehicles.
How long does the technical review last?
The entire process from payment, submission of documents, physical inspection of the vehicle and obtaining the certificate can take one hour. It all depends mainly on the number of vehicles on hold, the availability of the premises, the capacity of the technicians and the condition of your vehicle.
What points will the inspector evaluate?
It is a specific Inspection that consists of a visual, mechanical, gas (opacity), lights, tyre depth level, noise emissions, brakes, alignment and suspension check. This will mainly measure the state of conservation of the body, mirrors, windshields and bumpers.
The structural integrity of the chassis and main beams of the vehicle. Steering systems, suspension, damping, brakes and lights and emissions of polluting gases and noise.
What Accessories should you have in your vehicle?
Private vehicles: Safety triangle, spare tire, wheel wrench, jack. A flashlight is also recommended.
Major vehicles or passenger transport: In addition, the standard may require a first aid kit and fire extinguishers according to the vehicle:
- Rural van / Combi 2KG
- Couster / Minibus 4KG
- Omnibus / Heavy Duty Trucks 6KG
- Tractors, Trailers, Tankers
- Dumpers and Others 6KG
What kind of observations can the vehicle have?
LEVES: It does not require a new technical vehicle inspection so you will be given the certificate and decal, these faults must be remedied for the next inspection.
GRAVES: They are observations that cause the disapproval of the Vehicle Technical Inspection, having a maximum term of 30 days to correct such deficiencies.
VERY SERIOUS: They are observations that cause the disapproval of the Vehicle Technical Inspection, having a maximum term of 60 days to correct such deficiencies.
If you disapprove the technical inspection, you can pass it again free of charge if you return within the period granted by the inspectors.
How much does the technical overhaul cost?
The prices vary according to the type of vehicle you have and the technical center where you take them, but they vary approximately between:
- Motorcycles and motorcars: S/.25.00
- Light vehicles: From S/.65 to S/.85
- Heavy vehicles: S/.132.70
In which plants can i carry out the technical inspection?
- Lidercon Peru
- Farenet
- Cedive
Or authorized places in the other departments of the country.
Final recommendations to take into account:
Keep your vehicle in a constant maintenance process, visiting a trusted mechanic every 6 months or according to the requirements of your vehicle.
Before going to the technical review, make sure you have all the documents in force, the necessary safety elements and that your vehicle is in optimum condition so that you have no observations and do not waste time.
Pay close attention to the expiration date of your technical vehicle inspection as this will avoid fines above S/. 2000 (two thousand soles).
Any person who has a valid license and has the documents of the vehicle can pass the technical review. It is not necessary that the owner of the vehicle goes exclusively.